Build an overview
The toolbar in the overview window provides you with 4 different ways to create an overview of DICOM image files and scenes:
- Searching media. Up to 4 buttons to open a CD, DVD, Blu-ray reader or any removable media
- Scan any folder from media, local- or remote hard drive disk (HDD) or network folder
- Query a DICOM server / PACS
The text below describes the searching- or scanning options. The 'slower' mode display an icon image of each compatible DICOM image file found during the scanning process.
Go to Building an overview, FAST for explanation of the fast scanning mode, without icons.
Searching media
Up to 4 buttons can be used to search CD, DVD, Blu-ray readers or any removable media. Program each button in the settings: see the Overview window settings, 'Media buttons setup'.
By pressing this button, the viewer will:
1. Search for a DICOMDIR on the specific media. The first DICOMDIR found will be opened and only the DICOM files referenced from the DICOMDIR will be displayed.
2. If no DICOMDIR is found, the media will be scanned. This means that every file on the media will be checked for a DICOM header and if compatible, displayed.
Stop the search by pressing the stop button in the toolbar. The status bar, at the bottom of the overview window, displays which folders are being scanned.
Opening a DICOMDIR
Choose a DICOMDIR of which the contents will be displayed. The DICOMDIR is a reference file in which certain data
of the referenced DICOM files are stored. Files present on media but not referenced by the DICOMDIR will not be
displayed. Use 'Scan any folder' to thoroughly search any media, this may take a bit longer.
Scan any folder
Select which folder(s), including sub-folders, should be searched for DICOM files. All compatible DICOM image files found will
be displayed.
Stop the search by pressing the stop button in the toolbar. The status bar, at the bottom of the overview window,
displays which the folders are currently scanned.
Press the pulldown button to display your last 10 searched folders. Press any of these folders to search it.
See Scan folders, FAST for fast scanning of folders, without icon image display.
Query a DICOM server
See Query PACS how to setup and query DICOM servers / PACS