INI file
The administrator can provide a few default settings, some can be changed and others cannot be changed by the user. This is only available in the 'Install the DICOM viewer on the server and enable access for each user' scenario, see network installation. The settings are stored in file 'DICOMviewer.ini' and this file must be stored in the installation folder of the DICOM viewer.
DICOM server/PACS data can be specified here. The user is able to add and save its own DICOM server/PACS data.
'DICOMviewer.ini' has a format similar to XML. An element or a section begins with a start-tag between characters '<' and '>'. For example <NAME>.
The element or section ends with an end-tag with the same name and format as the start-tag but preceeded with character '/'. For example </NAME>.
Between start- and end-tag is the value of the element which can be either a string, numerical value or boolean/flag.
Boolean/flag values are set by 'true' and 'false' -or- 'yes' and 'no' -or- '1' and '0' -or- 'on' and 'off'.
There is an alternative format of setting an element without an end-tag: <RECEIVEMODE = off>
Use the semicolon ';' to enter comments. Text after the semicolon on the same line is considered to be comments.
Element 'HOST' has a value of ''.
- <PORT>11112</PORT>
Element 'PORT' has a value of 11112.
- <RECEIVEMODE = off> ;do not allow user to use receive mode
Example of comments in the ini-file and the alternative format without end-tag.
- Example of a section with multiple elements:
A section always ends with an end-tag.
Click here for an example of 'DICOMviewer.ini'.
Available tags and sections
This section is for elements with initial default settings. These settings are used when they are not stored (yet) in the settings data of the individual user.
Available elements:
Main folder where all data of the user is stored. It holds received- and retrieved-DICOM files, logs, certificates, saved images, etc. Initial setting, individual folders can be changed by the user.
The root folder can hold a Windows environment variable, see the sample file.
Default root folder is 'My Documents\DICOMViewer'
Sorting order of patient, study or series. Flag, '0' for descending, '1' for ascending. Initial setting, can be changed by user
Flag, set 'off' to prevent overview from scrolling to and showing the last loaded icon. Default is 'on'. Initial setting, can be changed by user
Flag, set 'off' to prevent user to use the DICOM viewer as a server/receiving station for DICOM files. Default is 'on'. Overruling, cannot be changed by the user
Flag, set 'off' to prevent update checks. Default is 'on'. Overruling, cannot be changed by the user
This section holds all DICOM server/PACS data.
Available elements:
Flag, set 'on' to prevent user to alter PACS data from this section for personal use.
Overrides read only setting in PACS section. Default set to 'off'
This section holds all data of a single DICOM server/PACS
Available elements:
Flag, set 'on' to prevent user to alter PACS data in this section. Default is 'off'
Displayed name for this server. Required value
IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) or domain name of DICOM server. Required value
Port of the DICOM server. Required value
Port used by DICOM server to send retrieved DICOM data. Default is same port as <PORT>
Application Entity of DICOM server. Maximum 16 characters. Required value
Application Entity of DICOM viewer. Maximum 16 character. Default is AE title from settings
Preferred compression of retrieved DICOM images.
'off' for no compression, 'jpg' for lossy JPEG, 'ljpg' for lossless JPEG. Default is no preference
Description of DICOM server
Set to 'on' for TLS encrypted communication. DICOM server must support TLS. Default is 'off'
Set to 'on' to verify servers certificate is authorized by a Certificate Authority (CA). Default set to 'off'
Don't forget the end-tag or use the alternative format for setting an element.