Settings: DICOM Communications
- Application Entity Title (AE)
The Application Entity of the DICOM viewer, used to identify a calling (client) or called (server) entity. It must be unique within your network and has a maximum of 16 characters.
- Receive mode (SCP server)
- Port number
Choose a port number to receive DICOM files from DICOM SCU's (clients). This port number must not be used by other
software on your PC and must be different to port numbers in use by any DICOM server entered in the DICOM
server list of this viewer (port numbers and listen port numbers).
- Start receive mode at startup
Check to start listening for incoming DICOM files at startup.
- TLS secured / encrypted
Check to accept only secured TLS connections. The client trying to connect must connect using a secured TLS connection.
- Delete incoming DICOM files
- Never
Do not delete received- or retrieved DICOM files.
- At startup of the DICOM viewer older than .. hours
Delete stored DICOM files older than the hours set, at every startup of the overview of the DICOM viewer.
- ..retrieved from PACS or DICOM server (query/retrieve, 'RetrievedFiles' subfolder)
Delete only retrieved files older than .. hours. Subfolder 'RetrievedFiles' is located in the 'Incoming DICOM files storage folder'.
- ..received from others (receive mode, 'ReceivedFiles' subfolder)
Delete only received files older than .. hours. Subfolder 'ReceivedFiles' is located in the 'Incoming DICOM files storage folder'.
- Allow manual deletions
Allow the user to delete DICOM files using the viewer. Only files with the correct prefix and stored in the retrieved- or received-folder can be deleted. All other files are considered not created by the DICOM viewer and thus cannot be deleted using the viewer.
- TLS options for encrypted communication
- Certificate file
Choose a PEM (.pem, .crt) or PKCS12 (.pfx, .p12) certificate file.
- Private key file
The private key file is required if the certificate file is of PEM format.
- Private key password
The password of the private key file. Use for private key files not created by the DICOM viewer. Be careful: this password is stored, though encrypted, on your PC. It is advised to use the self-signed certificate and private key files created by the DICOM viewer. Then no password needs to be entered and stored, a password is constructed at run-time using hardware IDs.
- Show
Click to show the password.
- Check certificate settings
Check if the certificate settings are correct. For PEM certificates, matching private key file is checked and if protected, whether password/pass-phrase is correct. PKCS12 certificates do not require a separate private key file, but may be protected with a password.
- Clear all
Clear the certificate, private key file and password entries.
- Create certificate at startup when missing
When checked, a self-signed certificate (.crt and .p12) and private key file (.key) is created at startup when none are present.
- Create new self-signed certificate and private key
Press this button to create a new self-signed PEM certificate (.crt) and private key file (.key). A PKCS12 certificate (.p12) is also stored in the certificates folder. Both formats are secured with a password constructed with hardware ID's of your computer.
Some DICOM servers / PACS require a copy of your public certificate (Certificate.crt). If that's the case, do not forget to provide your new created self-signed certificate to the DICOM server. TLS communications may otherwise fail.
The certificate, private key file and password entries are grayed out when you're using a self-signed certificate created by the DICOM viewer.
The certificate file 'Certificate.crt' may be openly distributed, the private key file 'Private.key' must be kept secret.
- Communication time-out settings
Values of the ARTIM timer used to manage time-outs of communication with DICOM clients and servers / PACS.
- General time-out:
General time-out for all communications. Default is 60 seconds.
- Retrieve data:
C-MOVE request/responds time-out. Maximum time to wait for the server to respond to a retrieve request or responds. Default is 900 seconds (15 minutes).
- Association close request:
Time-out while ending communications. Default is 10 seconds.
- DICOM Association
These setting(s) apply to the DICOM association process
- Accept all Abstract Syntaxes (SOPs):
If checked, accept all types of Abstract Syntaxes (SOP classes) suggested by the Calling Application Entity (AE).
Un-check to verify if the Abstract Syntax is a known DICOM SOP and, if not known, to reject it.