Settings: Image display
- Set enhance filter
Set the level of the enhancement/sharpen filter from 0 to 100%. This setting will be applied
to every grayscale/monochrome image window opened. Within each individual image window, the enhancement setting
can be changed via the menu or the mouse tools.
- Enhance all monochrome images
Enhance all grayscale/monochrome images of all modalities.
- Enhance monochrome images of modality:
Choose individual modalities to enhance.
- Display biplane scenes in a single window
Open 2 biplane runs inside a single window.
- Identical images/runs in overview window
What to do in case identical DICOM files are found? You choose to display them all or
to hide the double images/scenes in the overview.
- Show all images/runs found
Show all in the overview window.
- Hide double images/runs and display in image window the:
- images/runs fastest loadable
When identical DICOM files are found and when opening such a file, the fastest loadable
is loaded and viewed.
- images/runs of best quality
When identical DICOM files are found and when opening such a file, the file containing
the best image quality is loaded and viewed.
- Bicubic zooming
Choose the settings for bicubic zooming. Bicubic zooming is very demanding on your processor, quad core
or Core i7 CPU's are the recommended minimum when using bicubic zooming. See
bicubic zoom for more information.
- OFF, basic linear zooming
Use linear zooming. The pixels will be enlarged straight forward, resulting in large blocks of pixels with high zoom factors.
- AUTO, switch off when performance suffers
The viewer will switch off bicubic and revert back to linear zooming when it detects a drop in performance.
- ON, performance may suffer
Bicubic zooming is on.