Send DICOM files viewer to viewer

The following describes how to setup your viewer and the remote viewer to send DICOM files back and forth. It requires
basic knowledge of networks, routers, ports and LAN- and WAN-IP addresses.
Setup your DICOM viewer to receive (server):
- 1. Start the DICOM viewer, check that receive mode is off.
- 2. Open the settings (File/Settings) and click on 'DICOM communications'.
- 3. Go to 'Receive mode (SCP server)' and enter port number, f.e. 5555.
- 4. Press 'OK' to close the settings.
- 5. Switch on receive mode by pressing the 'RECEIVE MODE' button in the overview window.
The receive mode is active when the globe in the button starts turning. If it fails,
the port number is probably already in use by other software. Choose another receiving port ranging from 1024
to 65535 and go back to step 3.
- 6. Check that your firewalls allow incoming connections to the DICOM viewer via port number 5555.
If behind a router, check which IP address (LAN) has been assigned to your PC.
Forward port number 5555 to your LAN IP address.
- 7. See Receive mode for an explanation of the receive mode.
- 8. Note your AE title (Settings/DICOM communications), IP address (WAN, unless client is on
same network: LAN) and receiving port number. This has to be inserted in the
DICOM viewer of the sending party (client).
Setup your DICOM viewer to send (client):
- 1. Start the DICOM viewer.
- 2. Open the 'Send DICOM files' interface and press the 'Edit' button of 'DICOM server'.
- 3. In the 'DICOM servers' window, press 'Clear'.
- 4. Enter the AE title, IP address and port number of the server/receiving PC. Fill out the other boxes and click on 'Store'.
- 5. Press 'Close' to close the 'DICOM servers' window. Check if the new DICOM server is selected and visible under 'DICOM server / Name'.
- 6. Check that your firewalls allow outgoing connections from the DICOM viewer via the entered port number.
- 7. Select DICOM files to send to the server. See Send DICOM files.