The features of the Rubo DICOM viewer
- PC based, Windows 7/8/10/11
- Supports DICOM 3.0
- Supports all modalities
- Supports the following image data compressions:
- Lossy JPEG compression 8,12,16 bits
- Lossless JPEG compression 8,12,16 up to 32 bits
- JPEG2000
- JPEG-LS, lossless, lossy
- RLE, Run Length Encoding 8,16 bits
- Uncompressed
- Deflated syntax
- Raw data (non-DICOM)
- Supports DICOM communications protocol:
- DICOM SCP, receive mode. Receive DICOM material from colleagues
- DICOM push / send. Send DICOM material to PACS or colleagues
- DICOM query and retrieve. Query and retrieve PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems)
- Secure TLS encrypted DICOM communication. (Open source license)
- Display overview of all DICOM image or waveform files from:
- DVD, Blu-ray or CD, from any manufacturer, DICOM or non-DICOM, with or without DICOMDIR
- Network drive
- Local hard drive
- USB sticks
- All (removable) media accessible via Windows
- Display overview patients based or study based
- Sort overview display by patients, studies or series
- DICOM Waveform viewer, including fractional flow reserve (FFR) and instant wave-free ratio measurement tools
- IVUS longitudinal viewer
- Burn DICOM CD/DVDs, including a basic DICOM CD/DVD viewer
- Anonymize DICOM data, burning anonymous CD/DVDs, push data anonymously, stored data anonymously
- Integration with DICOM or non-DICOM databases.
- Integrate with existing archival- or analysis software or use as stand-alone DICOM viewer
- Handles large cardiac runs (1000+ images), IVUS files (5000+ images), etc.
- Multi-patient functionality
- Supports non-western characters, f.e. Chinese, Korean, Japanese
- Single and multi-monitor support in Windows
- Parallel viewing of DICOM runs and/or single DICOM images due to opening image data in individual windows
- Stack viewing
- Export images to clipboard
- Save images as bitmap (BMP), tiff, JPEG, JPEG2000, raw or DICOM
- Save runs as DICOM, AVI, Windows Media Format (WMV) or animated GIF
- Cutting of scenes for optimal timing and database cleanup
- Supports biplane display of angiograms
- Available tools in the image window:
- Panning
- Zoom, bicubic zoom
- Magnify glass
- Cropping
- Brightness and contrast
- Measuring of multiple distances
- Area measurement
- Angle measurement, 3 point
- Multiple angles measurements, angle between lines, Cobb angle
- Image subtraction
- Image enhancement / sharpening tool
- Anonymization blocks
- Pie Medical Analysis image selection interface
- Automatic brightness and contrast tool (stretching)
- Histogram display
- Invert image colors
- Apply different color palettes to grayscale images (hot metal blue, PET, hot iron, rainbow)
- Flip single image horizontally or vertically
- Rotate single image by 90, 180 or 270 degrees
- Distance measurement calibration tool
- DICOM overlay data display
- DICOM curve data display
- DICOM region of interest (ROI) display
- Print overview or individual images
- Screen-fit to display large images (f.e. thorax)
- Mouse controlled, no keyboard needed
- Automatic update-check
- Online help files