DICOM viewer files
The setup file of the Rubo DICOM viewer will install a lot of files on your PC. Besides the help files, USB hardware key drivers, license terms and other files, the software consists of the following various applications:
- DICOMViewer.exe
Main application. Decides to start Overview.exe, Image.exe or WaveViewer.exe or a combination
- Overview.exe
Overview of DICOM data found in folders, on CD/DVD, from PACS or received files
- Image.exe
Displays DICOM images and/or scenes and offers various tools to display and manipulate image data
- Settings.exe
Settings of the DICOM viewer
- DICOMComms.exe
DICOM communication software
- DICOMParser.exe
Parses and displays the contents of a DICOM header
- DICOMAnonymizer.exe
Anonymizes single/multiple DICOM files or folders
- Dialogs.exe
Work-around to display file/folder selection dialog in 32bit mode
- WaveViewer.exe
Viewer of DICOM waveforms
- DICOMBurner.exe
Burner of DICOM CDs/DVDs
- Pie.exe
Interface to various Pie Medical analysis software