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Anonymize the header of single- or multiple DICOM files or even entire folders with or without sub-folders. Select a separate destination folder or store the anonymized files next to the original ones. Various advanced options are available, such as UID reference preservation and patient-ID pseudonymization.
Image data can NOT be anonymized.

Download the free DICOM Anonymizer here:

1. Unzip the downloaded file and start the executable, no installation required. To remove the DICOM anonymizer, just delete the files.

2. The DICOM Anonymizer requires registration to remove the limitations. To use it longer than the free 7-day license, a paid license (€99) is required. See License Explanation for more information.

3. View the explanation of the interface and usage of the Anonymizer software: Explanation and Help.

4. The following DICOM tags are anonymized:
List of anonymized DICOM tags.